Where I learned skills:

Freelance and self-learning

Academy of Fine Arts
- Drawing Workshops with Wojciech Tuleja
- Furniture Workshop in Dobroteka
- Rhinoceros Advanced Modelling
- Car Design Meet with Janusz Kaniewski
and Kamil Labanowicz

SOKKA Studio

Baby Design Group

Carlex Design
- Approval Guidelines For Cars
- SolidWorks Advanced Modelling

- Rhinoceros Graphical Programming


So far collaborated on stuff like

- Furniture for Airport
- Corner for Baby Cot
- Branding for Auxilio
- Branding for Studio Pigment

SOKKA Studio:
- Virtual Shooting Coach Device
- PRO Measurement Equipment
- Robin Stiff-Flop Cardiological Console
- WIMED Outdoor Fitness Line
- Kia Ceed WTCC Car
- Visual Identification for National Library

Carlex Design
- Company Branding
- Detail Elements for Individual Car Projects
- Interior Renderings
- Exterior Renderings
- Toyota Hilux
- Nissan Navara
- Mercedes-Benz X-Class
- Mercedes-Benz G-Class
- Pick-Up Spoiler
- VW Transporter T6

Software I use:

Adobe Creative Suite
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- XD
- InDesign
- Premiere
- AfterEffects


Awards and mentions:

- 2nd Place in competition for Furniture for Airport
- Interview as a employee of Carlex Design
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